Corporate principles of Arche Teach and Work International gGmbH for the recruitment of international specialists
(Status: February 1, 2023, updated annually)
Arche Teach and Work International gGmbH is part of the diaconal work and has set itself the goal of developing the talents of young people in the best possible way through professional and school training. Arche TWI operates various general education and vocational schools and is involved in vocational training in an international context. As a training center for the entire Arche social network, Arche TWI supplies the social network institutions (child and youth welfare, vocational assistance, assistance for people with disabilities and assistance for the elderly) with trainees and increasingly also with specialists from abroad who, if necessary, receive further qualifications from our Arche Academy in Bavaria to obtain recognition as skilled workers in Germany. For this purpose, the Arche #Works department was founded, whose task is to attract interested and suitable talents from abroad for permanent work in nursing homes in Germany, to prepare and train them for this. It is very important to us that our employees feel comfortable. That is why we are involved in various networks and strive to improve our services every day. As a member of the Diakonisches Werk Bayerns, we are committed to the Christian humanistic image of man. That means: the focus of our efforts is always people and their needs. As part of our work as a recruitment agency, we are committed to the principles of fair, ethically responsible recruitment and placement practice, taking into account national and international legislation and the following conventions and guidelines.
§ 1 Fair and ethically tenable recruitment
Arche #Works ensures that all legal framework conditions, in particular the labor, social and residence laws applicable in Germany, are observed in placement activities. We inform the people we place in detail about the rules and conditions that apply in Germany and accompany them personally throughout the entire recruitment process, from the application to the conclusion of the employment contract or even if additional qualifications are required. We pay attention to a suitable integration and induction concept for future employers and also support them with information and further training. We also pay attention to a suitable place to live and support the candidates with all necessary administrative processes or with the integration into their future private environment. There are personal contact persons on the Arche #Works side, and we strive to have such contact persons in the future work environment. We also support the candidates we recruit in conflict situations and make sure that you can lead a self-determined life in Germany while realizing your personal rights.
Arche #Works will ensure, above all when recruiting skilled workers, that the country from which the skilled workers come is not disadvantaged by the emigration of skilled workers that are needed in the country itself. We will not actively recruit in countries where there is a shortage of nursing professionals. On the contrary, in countries with high youth unemployment, we try to train qualified workers by offering training in Germany, who in many cases return to their countries after a few years.
§ 2 Commitment to the WHO-Code of Conduct for the International Recruitment of Health Professionals (1)
Article 3 of the Code of Conduct sets out the guiding principles that Arche #Works fully supports. In particular, Article 3.2 sets out the guidelines to be followed in an international placement for health professionals:
„To protect world health it is of vital importance to face the problem of the current and future shortage of health professionals. The international migration of health workers can make a meaningful contribution to expanding and strengthening Health systems provide, if recruitment is done correctly. However, the establishment of voluntary international principles and the coordination of national policy approaches in international recruitment of health workers desirable to advance frameworks for equitable strengthening of health systems worldwide, the negative effects of migration from health workers on health systems in developing countries and to protect the rights of health workers.“
As an interest group in accordance with Art. 2.1 of the Code of Conduct, in particular, we support the principles of transparency, equity and promotion of the sustainability of health systems in developing countries set out in Art. 3.5, as well as the principles for fair and transparent recruitment described in Art. 4, taking into account existing obligations of the Healthcare professionals in your home countries, for both temporary and permanent positions.
§3 Commitment to the free application process for the applicant („Employer pays“)
Arche #Works does not charge the applicants no fees for the recruitment. All costs are borne by the future employers, as agreed in the agency contracts with the potential employers. This applies in particular to fees, translations, language courses and travel costs.
Binding clauses that regulate the repayment of costs for migration, placement or qualification in the event of termination by the employee are only possible within the framework of German labor law. Arche #Works ensures this through appropriate agreements in the contracts with future employers and other cooperation partners and monitors compliance with these agreements.
§4 Commitment to respecting the rights of international applicants according to international conventions and standards
Our business principles are also based on international conventions and standards protecting the rights of workers in the context of international placement.
These include international human rights conventions such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of December 16, 1966 with the associated optional protocols of December 16, 1966, December 15, 1989 and December 10, 2008 (2).
We are also guided by the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of June 1998 and its general principles and operational guidelines for fair recruitment and the ILO’s Fair Recruitment Initiative (FRI) (3).
We also follow the suggestions of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on the requirements and objectives of the international recruitment of skilled workers, which are formulated in the International Recruitment Integrity System (IRIS) standards (4).
Links used
[1] Abrufbar unter folgendem Link: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/wha68.32
[2] Abrufbar unter folgendem Link: https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-listings
[3] Abrufbar unter folgendem Link: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_protect/—protrav/—migrant/documents/publication/wcms_536755.pdf
[4] Abrufbar unter folgendem Link: https://iris.iom.int/sites/g/files/tmzbdl201/files/documents/IRIS%20Standard%20Report%20.pdf
Placement plan
To ensure as much transparency as possible in the placement process, we create an individual plan for each employee. You can find the criteria for this here.
Labour migration
The nursing profession is defined differently in Germany than in other countries. Therefore, many questions arise around the topic of working in Germany as a nursing professional. Here you will find further information on the topic of the migration of international nursing staff.